Case Dismissed!

As a results driven attorney, my firm always turns over every stone and conducts witness interviews. This hard work resulted in the State being forced to dismiss a case today for failure to properly provide discovery including CADS and witness interviews. The State dismissed rather than having all that evidence […] is now active and links you to JMA Law Offices, Jason M. Alarid, Attorney at Law.  When searching for an criminal attorney-lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, it is now easier to find aggressive and compassionate representation in Albuquerque and for cases anywhere in New Mexico.  We accept cases all […]

Happy New Year: Knowing your Rights.

This video is an illustration of why knowing your Constitutional rights is so important. These officers executed an illegal search and seizure on live TV. Not even the presence of a TV crew discourages the gross violation of civil rights.The individual being detained initially kept quiet without properly being Mirandized […]

CADs… What are they?

Computer Aided Dispatch are logs which track when Law Enforcement receives a call and when officers are dispatched to the scene.  Importantly they may also provide information on cars or persons that law enforcement should be on the look out for (aka BOLO).  They may also provide information on persons […]

What is a protection order?

A protection order is a civil proceeding in District Court.  A petitioner must allege that the respondent, the person that is receiving the temporary protection order from either a process server, or  more likely a Sheriff’s deputy, committed an act of domestic violence against them.  This can run the gamut […]