Scheduling Conferences in Criminal Cases

In Bernalillo County, also known as the Second Judicial District, the Court pursuant to Local Rule 308 (Case management pilot program for criminal cases).  As the rule states, “This is a special pilot rule governing time limits for criminal proceedings in the Second Judicial District Court.”  In a nutshell the […]

Discovery? The Basics Pt. 2 of ?

Previously, I discussed the basic discovery rule in the district courts (the Municipal, Magistrate, and Metropolitan courts are very similar though the scope may be slightly more limited) in this post.  The prosecuting entity, usually the District Attorney’s office must make a copy , or allowed to be viewed or copied, any […]

International Criminal Law Work

As some of you may know I worked on a case in front of the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) representing Milan Lukic.  You can learn a little about the case  by clicking this link: Milan Lukic or feel free to ask me about it!  I’ve also been consulting […]

Discovery? The basics… Pt. 1

One of the most crucial elements of any case, criminal or civil, is the discovery process.  Previously, I discussed witness statements here: which is just one aspect of discovery.  In a criminal case, pursuant to Court Rules: the state shall disclose or make available to the defendant: (1)   any statement made by […]

Excusing a Judge

One of the important rights a Defendant has is the right to excuse a Judge for any reason. Both the Rules for the District Court and Metropolitan/Magistrate Court allow a Defendant (and for that matter the State) to excuse a judge for any reason if filed within ten days after […]